The Opposite of Simple

It may not have occurred to you, but every application exhibits two forms of complexity. This dual nature of complexity can, at times, make it hard to keep straight what someone means when they start talking about “simplifying” an application.

First there is the complexity that is inherent in what you are trying to do. In that definition, notice that the word “inherent” is the important one. It means that there is no way of reducing that complexity without fundamentally changing the goal of your work.

Inherent Complexity in a Trip

As an example of what I mean, let’s go back to the summer between my 6th and 7th grades in school. That year my Dad had gotten a new job and we were moving to the (then) little town of Lebanon Missouri. As we were driving to our new home we stopped along the way at a Shell filling station and I noticed that the oil company was offering a new travel service. If you sent in a card with the departure date, starting point and destination of a trip, they would send you all the required maps and plan the trip for you — for free…

Being the kind of kid I was (and some would say, still am) I snagged one of the postage-paid cards and sent in a request for a trip from our new home in Lebanon, Missouri to Nome, Alaska. Why Nome? Why not Nome? Moreover I stated that the trip was to be made in October. After sending off the card, I thought no more about it until about 3 weeks later when a very large box arrived for me from “Shell Oil Travel Service”. Oh yes, did I mention that I hadn’t told my folks I was sending off the card?

Upon opening the box, I discovered highway maps for several US states and a couple Canadian provinces with my suggested route highlighted in blue — or at least most of my trip was in blue. Also in the box was a very nice letter from a travel planner stating that there weren’t actually any roads connecting Nome to the rest of the world, but if I desired more assistance they would be glad to help me identify a reliable bush pilot and/or dog sled owner who would help me complete the last leg of my journey.

Needless to say, my parents were not amused and, being the good parents they were, they made me write an apology to the planner identified in the letter.

The point is that a trip from Lebanon to Nome in October involves a certain level of complexity and the only way to reduce that complexity is to change the trip. Instead of going to Nome, perhaps I could travel to Seattle, Washington. Or instead of going in October, I could make the trip in June when the ocean wasn’t frozen and I at least could travel the last leg by ship.

Induced Complication

In addition to an application’s inherent complexity, there is also the issue of how complicated I choose to make the implementation of that complexity. Getting back to my “Alaskan Adventure”, if I made the trip is a brand-new 4-wheel-drive vehicle with good snow tires and extra fuel tanks, the journey would be long, but manageable. However, if I tried to make the journey in a beat-up ’53 Nash Rambler with bald tires and an engine that burnt as much oil as it did gasoline, the trip would be much more complicated.

The same thing applies to software. There is a myth floating around the industry that complex requirements require complicated code. Actually, I have found no real correlation between the two. Therefore, I particularly like the tagline the LabVIEW Champion Christian Altenbach has for his forum posts:

Do more with less code in less time

As you’re designing and developing code you must never forget the difference between inherent complexity and induced complication. You need to remember especially that in that last sentence, you are the inducer. You get to decide how complicated you make your code — don’t use complexity as an excuse for over-complication.

Until next time…


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