Laying the good foundation, with TCP…

In case you are just joining the conversation, we are in the midst of a project to modify the testbed application that we have been slowly assembling over the past year. I would heartily recommend that you take some time and review the past posts.

To this point in our latest expansion project, we have created a remote control interface, embedded it in our testbed and performed some basic testing to verify that the interface works. Our next step is to create the first of several “middleware” processes. I call them middleware because they sort of sit between our application’s basic code and the external applications and users. In future installments we will look at middleware for .NET, ActiveX and WebSockets, but we will start with a more fundamental interface: TCP/IP.

The Roadbed for the Information Highway

Aside from giving me the opportunity to air out some tired metaphors, TCP/IP is a good place to start because it gives us the opportunity to examine the protocol that underlies a host of other connection options.

Just the basics

Although the idea of creating a “server” can have a certain mystique, there really isn’t much to it really – at least when you are working with LabVIEW. The underlying assumption to the process is that there is something monitoring the computer’s network interface waiting for a client application to request a TCP/IP connection. In network parlance, this “something” is called a “listener” because listens to the Ethernet interface for a connection. However a given listener isn’t simply listening for any connection attempt, rather the network standards define the ability to create multiple “ports” on a single interface, and then associate particular ports with particular applications. Thus, when you create the listener you have to tell it what port that it is to monitor. In theory, a port number can be any U32 value, but existing standards specify what sorts of traffic is expected on certain port numbers. For example, by default HTTP connections are expected on ports 80 or 8080, port 21 is the default for FTP and LabVIEW by default listens to port 3363. All you have to do is pick a number that isn’t being used for anything else on your computer. To create a listener in LabVIEW, there is a built-in function called TCP Create Listener. It expects a port number, and returns a reference to the listener that it creates – or an error if you pick a port to which some other application is already listening.

Once you have created the listener, you have to tell it to start listening by calling the built-in function TCP Wait On Listener. As its name implies, it waits until a connection is made on the associated port, though you will typically want to specify a timeout. When this function sees and establishes an incoming connection it outputs a new reference specific to that particular connection. A connection handler VI can then use that reference to manage the interactions with that particular remote device or process.

Finally, when you are done with your work, you kill the server by closing the listener reference (TCP Close Connection), and all connection references that you have open. Put these three phases together, you come up with something like this.

The Simplest TCP Server

This simple code creates a listener, waits for a connection, services that connection (it reads 4 bytes from it), and then quits. While this code works, it isn’t really very useful. For example, what good is a server that only waits for one connection and then quits? Thankfully, it’s not hard to expand this example. All you have to do is turn it into a mini state-machine.

One Step at a Time

As usual, the state-machine is built into the timeout event so the following states include a shift register pointing to the next state to be executed, and a second one carrying the delay that the code will impose before going to that state. But before we get into the specifics, here’s a state diagram showing the process’ basic flow.

State Diagram

Execution starts with the Initialize Listener state. It’s main job at this point is to create the TCP listener. Next is the aptly named state, Wait for Connection. It patiently waits for a connection by looping back to itself with a short timeout. As long as there is no connection established, this state will execute over and over again. This series of short waits gives other events (like the one for shutting down the server) a chance to execute.

When a connection is made, the machine transitions to the Spawn Handler state. Since it is critical that the state machine gets back to waiting for a new connection as soon as possible, this state dynamically launches a reentrant connection handler VI and immediately transitions back to the Wait for Connection state.

The state machine continues ping-ponging between these last two states until the server is requested to stop. At that point, the code transitions to the Close Listener state which disposes of the listener and stops the state machine. So let’s look at some real code to implement these logical states – which, by the way resides in a new process VI named TCP-IP

The Initialize Listener State

This state at present only executes once, and its job is to create the listener that initiates connections with remote clients. The TCP Create Listener node has two inputs, the first of which is the port that the listener will monitor. Although I could have hard-coded this number, I instead chose to derive this value from the application’s Server.Port property. In a standalone executable, the application reads this value from its INI file at start-up, thus making it reconfigurable after the application is deployed. If the server.tcp.port key does not exist in the INI file, the runtime engine defaults to LabVIEW’s official port number, 3363.

Initialize Listener

When running in the development environment, this value is still reconfigurable, but it is set through the My Computer target’s VI Server settings. To change this value, right-click on My Computer in the project explorer window and select Properties. In the resulting dialog box, select the VI Server Category. At this point, the port number field is visible in the Protocols section of the VI Server page, but it is disabled. To edit this value, check the TCP/IP box to enable the setting, make the desired change and then uncheck the TCP/IP box, and click the OK button. It is critical that you remember to uncheck TCP/IP before leaving this setting. If you don’t, the project will be linked to the specified port and the TCP server in the testbed application will throw an error 60 when it tries to start.

The other input to the TCP Create Listener node is a timeout. However, this isn’t the time that the node will wait to finish creating the listener. We will be testing this code on a single computer and so don’t have to worry about such things as the network going down – even momentarily. In the broader world, though, there are a plethora of opportunities for things to go wrong. For example, the network could go south while a client is in the middle of connecting to our server. This timeout addresses this sort of situation by specifying the amount of time that the listener will wait for the connection to complete, once a connection attempt starts.

The Wait for Connection State

This state waits for connection attempts, and when one comes, completes the connection. Unfortunately, LabVIEW doesn’t support events based on a connection attempt so this operation takes the form of a polling operation where the code checks for a connection attempt, and if there is none, waits a short period of time and then checks again. The short wait period is needed to give the process as a whole the chance to respond to other events that might occur.

Wait for Connection

The logic implementing this logic starts with a call to the built-in TCP Wait On Listener node with a very short (5-msec) timeout. If there is no connection attempt pending when the call is made, or an attempt is not received during that 5-msec window, the node terminates with an error code 56. The following subVI (Clear looks for, and traps that error code so its occurrence can be used to decide what to do next. If the subVI finds an error 56, the following logic repeats the current state and sets the timeout to 1000-msec. If there is no error, the next state to be executed is Spawn Handler and the timeout is 0.

If there is a successful connection attempt, the TCP Wait On Listener node also outputs a new reference that is unique to that particular connection. This new reference is passed to a shift-register that makes is available to the next state.

The Spawn Handler State

In this state, the code calls a subVI (Launch Connection that spawns a process to handle the remote connection established in the previous state. This connection handler takes the form of a reentrant VI that accepts two inputs: a reference to a TCP connection and a boolean input that enable debugging operations – which at the current time consists of opening the clone’s front panel when it launches, and closing it when it closes.

Spawn Handler

It is important that the connection handler be a reentrant process for two reasons: First, we want the code to be able to handle more than one connection at a time. Second, the listener need to get back to listening for another new connection as quickly as possible. We’ll discuss exactly what goes into the connection handler in a bit.

The Close Listener State

Finally, when the process is stopping, this event closes open connections, sets the timeout to -1, and stops the event loop.

Close Listener

But why are there two connections to be closed? Doesn’t the connection handler that gets launched to manage the remote connection handle closing that reference? While that point is true, the logic behind it is flawed. There is a small, but finite, delay between when the remote connection is completed and the Spawn Handler starts executing. If the command to stop should occurring during that small window of time, the handler will never be launched, and so can’t close that new connection and its associated reference.

Turning States into a Plugin

Now that we have an understanding of the process’ basic operation, we need to wrap a bit more logic around it to turn it into usable code.

Adding Shutdowns and Error Handling

To begin with, if this new process is going to live happily inside the structure we have already defined for testbed application plugins, it is going to need a mechanism to shut itself down when the rest of the application stops. Since that mechanism is already defined, all we have to do is register for the correct event (Stop Application) and add an event handler to give it something to do.

Loop Shutdown

Nothing too surprising here: When the shutdown event fires, the handler sets the next state to be executed to Close Listener and the timeout to 0. Note that it does not actually stop the loop – if it did the last state (which closes the listener reference) would never get the chance to execute. Finally, we also need to provide for error handling…

Add in Error Handling

…but as with the shutdown logic, this enhancement basically consists of adding in existing code. In this case, the application’s standard error reporting VI.

Defining the Protocol

With the new middleware plugin ensconced happily in the testbed framework, we need to create the reentrant connection handler that will handle the network interactions. However, before we can do that we need to define exactly what the communications protocol will look like. In later posts, I will present implementations of a couple of standardized protocols, but for now let’s explore the overall communications process by “rolling our own”.

As a quick aside, you may have noticed that I have been throwing around the word “protocol” a lot lately. Last time, I talked about creating a safe protocol for remote access. Then this time we discussed the TCP protocol, and now I am using the word again to describe the data we will be sending over out TCP connection. A key concept in networking is the idea of layers. We have discussed the TCP protocol for making connections, but that isn’t whole story. TCP is build on top of a lower-level protocol called IP – which is itself built on even lower level protocols for handling such things as physical interfaces. In addition, this protocol stack can also extend upwards. For example, VI Server is at least partially built on top of TCP, and we are now going to create our own protocol that will define how we want to communicate over TCP.

This layering may seem confusing, but it offers immense value because each layer is a modular entity that can be swapped out without disrupting everything else. For example, say you swap out the NIC (Network Interface Card) in your computer, the only part of the stack that needs to change are the very lowest levels that interface to the hardware.

The first thing we need to do is define the data that will be passed back and forth over the connection, and how that data will be represented while it is in the TCP communications channel. Taking the more basic decision first, let’s look at how we want to represent the data. Ideally, we want a data representation that is flexible in terms of capability, is rigorous in its data representations and easy to generate in even primitive languages like C++. The first standard that was created to fill this niche was a spin-off of HTML called XML. The problem is that while it excels in the first two points, the third is a problem because when used to encode small data structures the same features that make it incredibly flexible and rigorous, conspire to make it is very verbose. Or to put it another way, for small data structures the data density in an XML document is very low.

Fortunately, there is an alternative that is perfect for what we need to do: JSON. The acronym stands for “JavaScript Object Notation”, and as the name implies is the notation originally used to facilitate the passing of data within JavaScript applications. The neat part is that a lot of the JSON concepts map really well to native LabVIEW data structures. For example, in terms of datatypes, you can have strings, numbers and booleans, as well as arrays of those datatypes. When you define a JSON object, you define it as a collection of those basic datatypes – sort of like what we do with clusters in LabVIEW. But (as they say on the infomercials), “Wait there’s more…” JSON also allows you include other JSON objects in the definition of a new object just LabVIEW lets us embed clusters within clusters. Finally, to put icing on the cake, nearly every programming language on the planet (including LabVIEW) incorporates support for this standard.

To see how this will work, let’s consider the case of the temperature controller parameters. When wanting to configure this value, the remote application will need to send the following string: (Note: As with JavaScript itself, the presence of “white space” in JSON representations is not significant. I’m showing this “pretty-printed” to make it easier to understand.)

    "Target":"Dog House TC", 
        "Error High Level":100,
        "Warning High Level":90,
        "Warning Low Level":70,
        "Error Low Level":60,
        "Sample Interval":1

This string defines a JSON object that contains two items. The first is labeled Target and it holds a string identifying the specific plugin that it is wanting to configure – in this case the Dog House TC. In the same way, the name of the second item is labeled Data, but look at its value! If you think that looks like another JSON object definition, you’d be right. This sub-object has 5 values representing the individual parameters needed to configure a temperature controller. In case you’re wondering, this is what the code looks like that parses this string back into a LabVIEW data structure:

Unflattening JSON

That’s right, all it takes is one built-in function and one typedef cluster. The magic lies in the fact that the string and the cluster represent the exact same logical structure so it is very easy for LabVIEW’s built-in functions to map from one to the other.

The Unflattened JSON Data

The other thing to note is that the Sample Interval value in the cluster has a unit associated with it, in this case milliseconds. The way LabVIEW handles this situation is consistent with how it handles units in general: When converting data to a unitless form (like a JSON value) it expresses the value using the base unit for the type of data that it is. In the example shown, Sample Interval is time, and the base unit for time is seconds, so LabVIEW expresses the 1000 msecs as 1 sec in JSON. Likewise when unflattening the string back to a LabVIEW data structure, the function interprets the input value in the value’s base units as defined in the cluster.

We are about done with what our message will look like, but there are still a couple of things we need to add before we can start shooting our data down a wire. To begin with, we need to remember that Ethernet is a serial protocol and as so it’s much easier to uses if a receiver can know ahead of time how much data to be expecting. To meet that need, we will append a 2-byte binary value that is the total message. The other thing we need is someway to tell whether the message arrived intact and without corruption, so we will also append a 2-byte CRC. Moreover, to make the CRC easy for other applications to generate we will use a standard 16-bit CCITT form of the calculation. So this is what one of our command data packets will look like:

Message Format

In the same way, we can use the same basic structure for response messages. All we have to do is redefine the JSON “payload” as a JSON object with two objects: a numeric error code (where 0 = “No Error”), and a string that is a contains any data that the response needs to return. As you would expect, this string would itself be another JSON-encoded data structure.

Creating the Connection Handler

We are finally ready to implement the reentrant command handler that manages these messages, and the important part of that job is to ensure that it is fully reentrant. By that I mean that it does little good to make the VI itself reentrant if its major subVIs are not. So what is a “major” subVI? The two things to consider are:

  • How often does the SubVI execute? If the subVI rarely executes or only runs once during initialization, it might not be advantageous to make it reentrant.
  • How long does it take to execute? In the same way, subVIs that implement simple logic and so execute quickly, might not provide a lot of benefit as reentrant code.

As I am wont to do, I defined the handler’s overall structure as a state machine with three states corresponding to the three phases of the response interaction. So the first thing we need to do (and the first state to be executed) is Read Data Packet. Its job is to read an entire message from the new TCP connection, test it for validity and, if valid, pass the command on to the Process Command state.

Read Data Packet

The protocol we have defined calls for each message to start with a 2-byte count, so the state starts by reading two bytes from the interface, casting the resulting binary value to U16 number and then using that number to read the remainder of the message. Then to validate the message, the code performs a CRC calculation on the entire message, including the CRC at the end. Due to the way the CRC calculation works, if the message and CRC are valid, the result of this calculation will always be 0. Assuming the CRC checks, the code strips the CRC from the end of the string and sends the remaining part of the string to a subVI that converts the JSON object into a LabVIEW object. I chose an object-oriented approach here because it actually simplifies the code (no case structures) and it provides a clear roadmap of what I need to do if I ever decide to add more interface commands in the future. If the CRC does not check, the next state to execute is either Send Response if no error occurred during the network reads, or Stop Handler if there was.

Moving on, the Process Command state calls a dynamic dispatch method (Process that is responsible for interfacing to the rest of the application through the events we defined last time, and formatting a response to be sent to the caller. The object model for this part of the code has 5 subclasses (one for each command) and the parent class is used as the default for when JSON command structure does not contain a valid command object. It should surprise no one that the command processing subclass methods look a lot like the test VIs we created last time to verify the operation of the remote access processor, consequently, I am not going to take the time or space to present them all again here. However I will highlight the part that makes them different:

Parsing Response for Error or Data

This snippet shows the logic that I use to process the response coming back from the remote access engine in response to the event that reads the graph data. Because the variant returned in the response notifier can be either a text error message, or an array of real data, the first thing the code does is attempt to convert the variant into a string. If this attempt fails and generates an error, we know that the response contains data and so can format it for return to the remote caller. If the variant converts successfully to a string, we know the command failed and can pass an error back to the caller.

At this point, we now have a response ready to send back to the caller, so the state machine transitions to the Send Response state. Here we see the logic that formats and transfers the response to the caller:

Send Response

Since the core of the message is a JSON representation of a response cluster, the code first flattens the cluster to a JSON string. Note however, the string that it generates contains no extraneous white space, so it will look different very from the JSON example I showed earlier. The logic next calculates the length of the return message and the CRC of the JSON. Those two values are added to the beginning and end, respectively, of the JSON string and the concatenated result is written back to the TCP connection.

Finally, the Stop Handler state closes the TCP connection and stops the state machine loop, which also stops and removes from memory the reentrant clone that has been running.

Testing the Middleware

Finally, as always we need to again test what we have done, and to do that I have written a small LabVIEW test client program. However, if you know another programming language, feel free to write a short program to implement the transactions that we have defined. The program I created is included as a separate project. The top-level VI opens a window that allows you to select the action you want to perform, the plugin that it should target and (if required) enter the data associated with the action. Because this is a test program, it also incorporates a Boolean control that forces an invalid CRC, so you can test that functionality as well.

So open both projects and run the testbed application, nothing new here – or so it seems. Now run the simple TCP client, its IP address and port number are correct for this test scenario. As soon as the client starts, the waveform graph for displaying the plugin graph data appears, so let’s start with that. You should be able to see the data from each of the 5 testbed plugins by selecting the desired target and clicking the Send Command button. You should also be able to see all 5 graph images.

Now try generating some errors. Turn on the Force CRC Error check-box and retry the tests that you just ran successfully. The client’s error cluster should now show a CRC Error. Next turn the Force CRC Error check-box back off and try doing something illegal, like using the Set Acquisition Rate action on one of the temperature controllers. Now you should see an Update Failed error.

Continue trying things out, verifying that the thing which should work do, and that the things that shouldn’t work, don’t. If you did the testing associated with the last post, you will notice that there is a lag between sending the command and getting the results, but that is to be expected since you are now running over a network interface. Finally, assuming the network is configured correctly, and the desired ports are open, the client application should be able to work from a computer across the room, across the hall or across the world.

Testbed Application – Release 19
Toolbox – Release 16
Simple TCP Client – Release 1

Big Tease

So what is in store for next time? Well, let’s extend things a bit further and look at a way to access this same basic interface, but this time from a web browser! Should be fun.

Until Next Time…

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